Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes We Can

Today we Inaugurated a new president. Those of you who know me know my politics. You know I have been unhappy with the Bush Administration. I am happy with the new president. But Obama has a long, hard road ahead of him. And so do we. How long before the nay-sayers decry all that has not been done? How long before the pundits from both sides cry foul saying he's not doing enough, or he's doing too much? Can Obama walk on water? No... nor should we expect him to. He's only one man. He has a very high approval rating, but how long will this honeymoon last?

For decades we have watched this country's initiative decline. It started before Bush and Clinton. I don't know exactly when, but we have become a nation of "No, we can't". Stop global warming? No we can't, because it will hurt the economy. Tax the big corporations? No we can't, because they will send jobs over seas. Pay people a decent wage? No we can't, because it will cause businesses to close and put people out of work. Prepare for a natural disaster? No we can't, because that would require forethought and cost billions of dollars. Give science the funding it needs? No we can't, because it might offend someone's religious sensibilities. Project our civil liberties and privacy? No we can't, because if we stay within the statue of the law, the terrorists will win if we are telling them what we're doing. Have a president who is accountable to the people? No we can't, because if we knew what laws he was breaking we would understand how far we have fallen as a leader of nations in law and justice. No, we can't continue on this path... But there is hope. We have chosen change.

What happened to the creativeness that could solve the problems of solar energy and create viable, renewable alternative fuels? What happened to the spirit that took us to the moon and Mars? What happened to the loyalty we had for our companies and they for their employees? What happened to the laws that made us a leader in human rights? What happened to the country that the world looked to for leadership and guidance? What happened to the shining city on the hill? Others have taken our place as peace makers. We have been lead by the oil companies too long. We no longer lead the world in innovation and technology. Once we flew the standard for justice and freedom for all. We have succumbed to the all mighty profit dollar.

Now there is a small light on the horizon. There is a glimmer of hope. It began with a small statement. Three words. Yes we can. Change has come to America...

We look to this man to change the course of our nation. To change the direction of our national discourse and our conversation with the world. We look to this man to return us to a place of respect. To undo the damage to our reputation. We look to this man to restore the principles for which we were known. To lead in innovation and science. To take care of our own in times of need and disaster. To have tolerance of other beliefs. To stop silencing our own people in the name of democracy. To stop imprisoning others in the name of freedom. To stop dividing our nation and start healing our national soul.

He can't do it alone. He can't do it with the snap of his fingers. We must all help change come to America. If we start now, if we believe, if we all work together, we can do it. One man can't do it alone, but many can do it together. Expectations are high, very high. There is hope in the air. Change has come. We must help it get here.

There was a formal ceremony and huge crowds. The National Mall saw the largest crowd in it's history gather to watch one man pass the reins of leadership to another. People cheered, people sang and people cried. It was peaceful, a demonstration of how a transition of power can occur. Something we can all be proud of. Now the work begins... Now comes the hard part. Can we do it? Together, Yes, We Can.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Miscellaneous Thoughts

A new venture for me... A blog... We'll see how this works.... For now: Happy New Year... 2009.

Always start the year off with something new. (I'll be posting things I've written in the past here as well, so look below for more miscellaneous thoughts....)