Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two Snake Morning.

When we got back from our walk this morning and I was getting ready for work, I noticed this guy on the palm tree outside my bedroom window.

He looked like he'd been perched there all night and was quite comfortable. I got out the big camera and the tripod, cause it was overcast and the light was low. Got to play a little with the depth of field on the image and could use a nice slow shutter. He wasn't moving and the breeze hadn't picked up yet.

Then I finished getting ready for work. I cracked the door to the garage and hit the garage door opener, grabbed my bag and swung open the open for light, because the light in the laundry room was already out. Then I heard this "spat" sound and looked out to see another snake on the garage floor between the cars. Near as I can guess, this guy had been sleeping on one of the support struts of the garage door (on the inside) and had just been unceremoniously dumped. What a rude awakening. I yelled for Edward cause the last thing I wanted was for him to crawl under and up onto the Rav4. Fortunately or unfortunately, I think this guy was a little stunned. We chased him out of the garage with a couple of brooms, slowly as it turned out. He just wasn't moving very fast. My best guess is that he spent the night in the garage. Yesterday, after the bug man came we left the garage door open for about 20 minutes. It had been raining hard when I left for work and I'm guessing he crawled in then, and settled in the door struts where it was cool overnight.

He was a corn snake, about 4 feet long and really pretty. I didn't have the big camera so the picture isn't that good. He wandered off into the front yard with a little coaxing. Hope he was OK. Perhaps he should try sleeping on palm branches instead.