Tuesday, December 31, 2013

In to the next year...

  Another year has passed, one more circle around the sun…  I didn't get nearly as many posts up as I wanted.  When I started this blog, my goal was one a month.  I fell well short of that this year.  Perhaps next year will be better.  I'm not one to make resolutions, so we'll see.

  I spent most of my creative time this year doing a drawing-a-day.  And exercise that I didn't think I would be able to stick to.  On Thursday, Jan 2nd, I will have met that goal…  365 drawings, sketches or doodles.  I plan to keep drawing in the next year, but may not post every night.  It's time to get back to the Comic.  That will be my primary drawing concern.  You can see the year's sketches on The Aery, our joint blog (http://the-aery.blogspot.com/search/label/sketches).

  I also hope to get back to the photography, which has also fallen behind a little.

  We shall see…

  I hope the New Year finds all of you happy, healthy, and safe from the crazy ones out there…

  From here it's in to the next year…   All the best.