Sunday, December 14, 2008

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tabby...

One thing I've noticed about our cats is they've all pretty much learned that there is sometimes more then one way to chase a toy or feather around an obstacle. If I drag the feather one way around the island in the kitchen, Mara knows that she can run around the other way and intercept it. Pretty smart, actually. It demonstrates a pretty good understanding of spacial relationships, probably a skill that was useful when they had to hunt for their meals. It also appears to be something that is learned. Mara has known how to intercept things for some time now. Nyala on the other hand has just started to figure this out.

This morning while we were eating breakfast, the girls were playing and chasing. They were both standing in the living room. Nyala took off in one direction and Mara took off in the other, both at a dead run. Their paths crossed behind the couch...

Now I'm sure you've seen this... The action film high flying wire work. Two combatants, launch at each other into the air, their trajectories to take them past one anther mid flight. There is a great example in Big Trouble, Little China. The Hero jumps into the air toward the villain, who himself has launched toward the hero. As they pass in mid air, they exchange several sword thrusts, parries and strikes, then continue on their way, landing on their feet and launching again toward one another. It was also an effect used in numerous other martial arts genera films.

The two cats approached headed straight for one another. Then, in perfect unison, both jumped into the air, their respective momentums carrying each past the other. We watched as both cats, paws extended in front of them to swat the other, sailed past one another, each watching the other pass, then landing on their feet and continuing their run. Edward and I just looked at each other and started laughing. We'd both seen the same thing. Straight out of the movies, no wires needed... Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tabby...

That's why two cats can be so much fun....

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