Thursday, September 6, 2007

Waiting to Greet the Sunrise

On my way to and from work, I cross a bridge over Boca Ceiga Bay, part of the intercoastal waterway. Also crossing the water at that place are high tension power lines and their 150 ft towers. I've noticed over the past few months that the local birds of prey will sit on the top of the towers and survey the water below, looking for a meal or perhaps just surveying their domain. I've gotten into the habit of looking for them as I approach the bridge.

Over that last few months I've noticed that a bald eagle has occasionally settled atop one of the towers while on my way home, gazing across the waters. These birds are distinctive, even in silhouette against the evening sky. Their large bodies and upright posture distinguish them easily from their smaller and more common cousins, the osprey. Last week I've saw an eagle twice on the way home. There is something breath taking about seeing a wild eagle. I've seen bald eagles up close, in captivity. While they are just as beautiful and majestic, they are captive, and I feel sorry for their loss of flight. It's just not the same. So I've kept an eye out for the eagles, and count special the days I see one.

This morning as the sky was brightening from from dawn toward sunrise, I approached the bridge and looked up. There, on top of the western most tower was not one, but two large regal forms, side by side, silhouetted against the pale pink and yellow of wispy clouds in brightening sky. One on the tower itself, on on the wire next to the tower. Both birds were facing east as if waiting to greet the sun, still 20 minutes from rising. As I passed I peaked back out my window, to see them lit faintly by the morning light, watching the world below go by, surveying their kingdom. They were unmistakable, with their dark bodies and white heads. Untouchable at the top of the towers.

I've always loved the birds prey, and they've been a symbol of hope for me in the last few months. Every time I see one, It's like a sign that someone is watch over me. I felt honored to have seen them this morning, and know that most people driving by that morning never noticed them, never bothered to look up and see the site. Or that some who did look up may not have recognized what they saw. They don't know what they missed. Sometimes you just need to pause and look up... It's not every day you get to see a pair bald eagles waiting to greet the sunrise.

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