Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We got some... a little, well, not very much at all, really, but Rain! It lasted about 5 minutes and probably won't even register in a rain gauge. Tough. We got Rain! And north of us, like two counties north, they actually had flood warnings this afternoon. Famous Florida Thunderstorm in May. Very heavy and very stationary. Lasts 30 minutes, or an hour, and dumps five inches of rain in one spot. That is a you-can't-see-across-the-street heavy rain. A Florida staple. Unfortunately, it's been so long since we had any rain that most of that will probably just run off. The ground is too dry for it to sink in.

But not our rain... we didn't get enough to have it run off. Well, it did rain hard enough to run off the roof. But that's OK. It soaked in around the house. We have to start somewhere. I'll take the small showers.

Big summer thunderstorms start with mini May showers that pass briefly by.

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