Thursday, November 25, 2010


You've all seen them. The small gray and white shore birds that flit and skitter along the beach in front of you as you walk along the waves. They're cute, quick...

...and tough to photograph.

You either end up focused on the sand behind them...
or catching them as they leave....
But while we were in Englewood this week, I managed to get a few good ones.

As well as the single birds, and a few pairs, there were several flocks of them along the shore. They would dash back and forth with the waves, searching for whatever tasty morsel they could find in the swash.

If we got too close, they would dash past between us and the waves..
Then go back to searching for that elusive meal...
And if you hang around long enough, you might even catch them resting on the beach...
catching a little shut eye....

while one of them keeps watch for beach combers.

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