Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Seeing Ghosts

St Petersburg had a big day today. They officially opened the new Salvador Dali Museum on the waterfront, and I do mean on the waterfront. There was much speaking and celebrating and parading. The parade, which went from the old Dali Museum to the new Dali Museum went right past my office window. And while I couldn't see it, I could hear the drum corps at the front of the line, so about a half dozen of us went out and watched it go by. It lasted about 10 minutes.

At 11:11 on Jan 11, 2011 (Dali had a thing for numbers) they cut the ribbon, well, they didn't actually cut it until about an hour later, but the ceremony was well under way when the clock struck 11:11:11.

The building is pretty incredible. It has an amorphous glass window that seems to bubble out of the front. It overlooks Tampa Bay. The building is right across the street from the Bay. I mean it's right on the water. Something that baffles those of us that work in hurricane research. They say the collection is on the 3rd floor, where it will be protected even if we get a Category 5 Hurricane. That is as long as the building itself doesn't get flattened.

There were a number of dignitaries there. St Pete's Mayor, the Museum director, the son of the man whose collection makes up more then 95% of the permanent display. Even S.A.R. la Infanta Cristina of Spain, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca was there. She's actually the one that cut the ribbon. It was all very formal.

They said several well known stars were there including Susan Sarandon. But I didn't see anyone else of note, except one. It would seem that Dali himself attended the ceremony. I bet he liked the new building.

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