Saturday, June 4, 2011


Last month I went to Miami on a business trip. I didn't
just go to Miami, I went to MIAMI... as in Downtown, as
in the Center Of The City, where there are a lot of buildings.

Tall buildings.

Really tall buildings. You stand at the bottom
and look up. Way UP.

It made my neck hurt.

Some of them we residential...

...but more of them were banks. Miami is a banking center.
Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citi. They were all there.
There were others.

Doesn't look like the building you'd find on the corner
of Park St and Main, does it?

They even lit them up at night, so you could still see them.
Wouldn't want to loose something that big in the dark, would
you? You might trip over them, or something.

I guess I'm not much of a city girl. These man-made canyon
walls were just too unnatural for me. The noise and bustle
of the traffic as it ebbed and flowed along the streets
made me wish for quieter, greener places.

Miami was nice to visit. But in the end, I'd rather be
in the middle of nowhere, looking up at one of these...

...than a forest of these.

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