Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause...

...and he works at Tyrone Square Mall.

We went to the mall last Saturday, looking for a firepit for the back porch. Sears said they carried them, but didn't say they were on-line only, so we decided to brave the crowds and go take a look. Since we weren't part of the Christmas rush... i.e. we weren't desperate to get gifts, or anything for that matter, we took the attitude of 'it's no big deal' and expected the parking to be crowded. Now Tyrone Square is situated on a triangular plot of land, with the Sear being located in one point. Years ago I had worked there part time and at Christmas, parking near that end of the mall was always tricky at best, and usually nonexistent. But we weren't in a rush, so "it was no big deal'.

As we started our hunt for a parking place we found ourselves waiting to turn out of an isle and onto the travel lane that runs beside the buildings. Someone else had "thoughtfully" decided to stop and pick someone up at the curb, not pulling over to the side, but stopping cockeyed, as if they had frantically pulled into that spot before anyone else could, effectively blocking that lane. As there was oncoming traffic, no one could move around them. The result was a line of cars about 10 long, plus traffic from the other direction, which would all have had to clear before we could move... So we settled back to wait.

The time was about 1:00 pm, and we noticed that coming out of the Mall was Santa Claus, his red coat thrown over one arm, and his genuine snow white bread blowing in the breeze. He walked merrily along, as only Santa can, waving to everyone who looked his way. Me, I'm an equal opportunity waver. I'll wave at anyone brave enough to stand on a street corner and make a spectacle of themselves, be they republican, democrat, a pizza boy or a mobile phone (yes, I pass one of those regularly, and anyone who stands on a street corner in a blow up phone cellphone suit in 95 degree weather deserves to be waved at... but I digress)

I waited for Santa to look my way and gave him a big wave, which he cheerfully returned. Then he walked a little closer to my car and said, "You need a parking place?" Oh yeah. He pointed to his red pickup truck, and said "One's opening right here." It was the only one in sight. I gratefully backed up and waited as Santa got in his truck started her up, and backed out of his place, blocking other traffic so I could get the spot.

It's a great season for being kind to others. And this was my gift for the day... I waved thanks again, and pulled in. It probably would have taken another 10 minutes to find a place, or we would have walked from the other end of the mall. It would have been no big deal if we'd had to walk... but that little act of generosity made my day... and several more after that...

So, yes, I believe in Santa Claus, and he works at Tyrone Square Mall and he drives a red pickup.

Merry Christmas Everyone...


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