Friday, December 7, 2007

Morning Sights....

This morning when I left the house the sky was brightening, and there were some high cirrus clouds on the eastern horizon. The thin crescent moon hung low in the eastern sky. From the driveway, Venus was hidden in the branches of the oak trees.

After I stopped at the light at 113th and Park Blvd., I looked to try to find Venus. I couldn't find it at first, but I was sure it was hiding behind the one of the elongated, gray-white cloud hanging about where the planet should be. On the horizon, the sun, while not yet above the horizon, was coloring the clouds in the east pink. Then, as I watched, the gray-white cloud slowly, but noticeably, turned pink itself, in about 15 secs, the color starting at one ends and creeping toward the other. As a finally, Venus popped out from behind the cloud... Then the stoplight turned green and it was time to go...

When I got to Tyrone, The pair of hawks that live near the Pinellas Trail sat perched on a single high tension tower. One sat on the top, the other a few feet down on a post sticking out from the pole. I see them near every morning, and evening driving to and from work. I think they are red-tailed hawks, but I'm not sure yet...

Half way across 1st Ave North the sun peaked up above the horizon. The brilliant orange balls sending bright spears of light through the trees and between the buildings... It's nearly as far south as it will get this year... The solstice is only 2 weeks away.

I've always loved dawn... Its a peaceful time of the day. The light, both in color and direction, is different from any other time. Most mornings I pause to greet the day... and marvel at the sights found there...

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