Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Vampires... the Good Kind....

Also known as Florida Blood Services.

I tried to give blood today. Only my blood didn't cooperate. They only got about 1/3 of what they needed. Then a clot stopped the flow... I'll spare you all the gory details. Suffice to say, she didn't do a very good job finding the vein. In the end, there wasn't enough to be useful, except to give me my cholesterol results in 72 hours. ;-(

As the tech aborted the donation she said "You won't have a bruise". Right. Like I believed that. Anything short of getting the vein with the initial stab leaves me bruised. And sometimes, when they do get it on the first stab, I still get a bruise. Today my arm is sore, and yeah, it's bruising....

Every time they "miss" or my arm ends up sore, I wonder why I keep trying. I can't give with my left arm anymore, where there is a larger vein. It's getting to be like some strange game of chance... Will she or won't she get through the donation. Anymore, it's a 50-50 chance that they can't get a full pint. These folks are talented in what they do, but I need more than talent, I need virtuosity, to get my veins. I guess I keep trying because my Dad has a rare blood type. My parents have been donating as long as I can remember. It's a family tradition... so to speak.

I have 2 more pints to go until I have donated 5 gallons in Florida. I have more then 5 gallons, if you count the pints I gave in MA, NY and MD before moving to FL. If and when I get that 5th gallon, I'll seriously consider retiring my veins... Lords knows, they've done their part...

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